Sermons and Interviews featuring Dr. Colin Archer
This Day is Our Birthday
by: Colin B Archer
by: Colin B Archer
by: Colin B Archer
by: Rev. Dr. Colin Archer
Rev. Dr Colin B. Archr
Rev. Dr. Colin B. Archer
Rev. Dr Colin B. Archer
Rev. Dr Colin B. Archer
Conteplation on Climate Change and Covid-19
Dr. Colin Archer's WRAP UP offers something for everybody, from politics, religion, business and culture, family life and philosophy. Dr Archer puts into historical context many critical and important events in Bahamian history, particularly over the past six decades. The book is well researched, easy to read and draws the reader into events and incidents enumerated almost in real time; as a result, one is able to connect past events with present. WRAP UP is a must read and should be in every Bahamian home, library and clasroom
My Friend Colin Archer's WRAP UP, represents his memoir as a Christian and somene with oustanding discipline with regard to private and family devotions. Colin prays sympathetically for family members, friends and their concerns. As a friend he is loyal, reliable, generous and humorous, and faithfully stands by one in their darkest hours and lightest moments. Colin's WRAP UP draws upon material from many and varied sources - classical and contemporary- including that one of his iconic mentors, Howard Thurman. WRAP UP is a book to be read by all!"
Approaching my 85th year I have not been well these past months, following my periodontal surgery and serious infections, vertigo and lack of energy, no appetite and all the varios side effects of medications and chemotherapy. Nonetheless, Colin what I have been able to scan through WRAP UP suggest a manuscript and a story that needs to be shared with the Bahamian people and beyond! Your experiences and exposure to some of the movers and shakers in the world has tremendous relevance.