Dr. Colin Archers New Book!

WRAP UP: A personal- Devotional-Vocational Memoir
Released Easter 2019



Contemplation 365
Devotional Readings For Spiritual Life VOL 1
Published 2007

Exceprt: "The two eyes of the soul of man" says the Theologica Germanica, cannot both perform their work at once: but if the sould shall see with the right eye unto eternity, then the left eye must close itself and refrain from working and be as thought it were dead. For if the left eye be fulfilling its office toward outward things, that is holding converse with time and the creatires; then must the right eye be hindered itg its working; that is in its contemplation....


The Handbook on Alcoholism in The Bahamas

Exceprt: Many persons, lay and clinical, have enquired about a handbook or resource manual on alcoholism in the Bahamian context. This volume is a response to that request. It is an attempt to bring together an informative, interesting and varied collection of lectures, scientific presentations, articles and other data which deal specifically with alcoholism- its victims, causes, treatment prevention, rehabilitation and education . The Bahamas Council on Alcoholism hopes that this project will enhance considerably the community's awareness of the unique circumstances associated with alcoholism, and further positively motivate its reader to devote much time, imagination, energy and interest in effectively lowering the incidence of this insidious Bahamian illness.


Bahamian Alcoholism (1955-2003)
And Other Drug Abuse (1968-2003)

Exceprt: Bahamian alcoholism is a socio-somatic illness that affecrs both the individual and the society of the country to such an extend that it is withought a doubt the number one health problem. As yet , it is still ill understood why so many of the inhabitants  of the Islands seek the continual tranquilizing properties of this chemical . In this paper an attempt will be made to describe the illness and its far-reaching effects. Some suggestions regarding aetiology will be discussed and breif mention of the treatment services will be made.

Available on Amazon


Investing In Being Human
Double Disc Audio CD

At the unrelenting request of many over the years, this initial two disc, Vol 1 CD reflects a minute portion of the more than 7,500 radio prorams broadcast by ordained Christian Minister and Psychotheologian, Dr. Colin Archer whose varied interests have included: Visitng professor in Chiristianity & Culture of Princeton Theological Seminary; founding President of the Bahamas Conference of The Methodist Church; Vice President of the Lawn Tennis Association; founding director of Hands for Hunger (Bahamas); founding member of the Bahamas National Drug Council; director of the Bahamas Breast Cancer Initiative Foundation; founding president of The Bahamas Council on Alcoholism and member of the University of the West Indies/Public Hospitals Authority Research Ethics Committee.

Video Presentations

Dr. Colin Archer presents his publications


Letters and Other Messages fro the Heart
Behind the facade of a Bahamian Methodist Minister

Letter to God
At first glance there is something rather odd, addressing a letter to the One, Supreme, All Holy, All-Knowing, All-Seing, All Merciful, All Powerful, All Mighty God, "High and lifted up", yet infinitely close, incarnate in the crucified, resurrected and ever present Christ.


The Church's Abandoned Revolution
A Scientific Biblical Commentary

Exceprt: Povery, Christians and Theological constructs are realities of Twentieth Century life. This work is an attempt at understating the vital interconnectedness of these realities. The writer is deeply aware of the cliam of the human life of God iun the pooer One, Jesus of Nazareth, and concurs with Frederick Herzong that theology that does not take the poor into account from the outset isn't Christian theology.

Available on Amazon


Foundation and Formation
The Establishment of the Bahamas Conference of The Methodist Church
November 20, 1990 - May 29 1994

Foreword by: Dr. D. Gail Saunders

This book is a detailed, chronological inside-story by Rev. Dr. Colin Archer – founding president – regarding the genesis, circumstances, often grueling and controversial establishment of the now autonomous Bahamas Conference of The Methodist Church [1993] from The Methodist Church In The Caribbean & The Americas [1967].

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