"We are spiritual beings
striving to be
fully human beings"

-Dr. Colin Archer


Dr. Colin B. Archer’s personal, devotional, vocational memoir, "Wrap Up", Now Available 

Dr. Colin B. Archer's personal, devotional, vocational memoir, "Wrap Up", now available in Bahamian bookstores: Wesley Methodist Church Grants Town, St. Michaels Methodist Church, Boyd Subdivision. Soon to appear on Audible and Amazon E-books.

 This Day is our Birth Day

Sermon by Dr. Colin Archer

Celebrating the Memory of my Ordination

Thursday May 7th 1970


Updates and Articles


Remembring My Friend Professor Timothy McCartney

A tribute to his late friend and colleague Professor Timothy McCartney, as from Dr. Colin B. Archer's memoir, WRAP UP, in the chapter titled "Life Is Meeting."


Grant's Town Wesley Methodist Church

Watch streaming services from Grants Town Wesley Methodist Church live on Facebook! 


What is the Corona/ Covid-19 Virus Really Teaching us? 

I’m a strong believer that there is a spiritual purpose behind everything that happens, whether that is what we perceive as being good or being bad.


New Year's Message

You can have flaws, be anxious, and even be angry, but do not forget that your life is the greatest enterprise in the world.


As noted in my paper (recording above), HEEDING NATURE'S GOD, from the very outset I perceived a clear connection between climate change and covid-19. Just now on CNN it is observed that as a direct result of more people and things etc. being shuttered [quarantined so to speak] over the past month, the whole planet has cooled measurably! Nature, and Nature's God seem to be getting the worlds collective attention!


His Story

Rev. Dr. Colin Archer’s ministerial and professional career as a Bahamian Methodist Minister and Psychotheologian has been shaped primarily by his work in many churches in Jamaica, the Bahamas, Caribbean and The United States, and his longtime engagement as a psychotherapist and specialist, mainly in alcoholism treatment, research and rehabilitation.


Approaches and Antidote to Suffering
In my thirty-five-year-old week-day radio program and newspaper column, 'Investing In Being Human', I’ve elected many times to focus this topic, suffering, as, The Mystery And Miracle of Suffering. Material for those works, and some pertinent data used in this paper, are informed by the thinking of Warren W. Wiersbe’s deeply insightful 158-page booklet, 'When Life Falls Apart' [WLFA], and complimented by Pema Chodron’s When Things Fall Apart [Heart Advice for Difficult Times]. To these are added an infusion of devotional and biblical material.  read more....


Investing in Being Human Listen Monday-Friday
Guardian Radio 96.9
5:555 am
Star 106.5 FM at 6:55 am
Love 97.5 FM 7:55 am

Investing in Being Human Audio Double Disc CD


Other Noted Works

- The Handbook on Alcoholism in The Bahamas
- Bahamian Alcoholism 
And Other Drug Abuse 
- Contemplation 365: Vol. 1

- Poverty: The Church's Abandoned Revolution

Methodist Church Autonomy 

Learn more about this historic movement.


... Dr. Colin Archer's new book...COMING THIS NOVEMBER!

"Wow Colin! What a life you've lived! Or more appropriately, what a life Jesus has lived in and through you! I commend you for producing such a brave , honest deeply personal and profound spirituality volume. It was through Grace that you, somehow, were able to face moments of pain, challenge, doubt and the messy stuff of humaness. WRAP UP has challenged me to a fresh self-examination of my own convictions and will strengthen the cords of my own faith.

Reverend Lester T. Ferguson

"I was flattered that Colin would ask me to read WRAP UP. To be honest, I thought it was going to be a bunch of Goody-two-shoeness. I could not have been more wrong! WRAP UP is more than a memoir, it's like a self-help manual; it leaves you asking question, not only of yourself, but of the meaning and purpose of life in general. Colin Archer is an enlightened and informed believer in God, Oh that there were more like him! If anyone doubts about yourself, whether you can "make it", I can strongly suggest that you get a copy of WRAP UP."

Greg Lampkin

"The Rev. Dr. Colin Archer and I share a treasured relationship and ancestry as cousins. We are both the fortunate offspring and beneficiaries of two well-known Bahamian families, the Archer's of Abaco and the Bethel's of Eleuthera. It is with a great sense of pride and pleasure to witness Colin's remarkable development and achievements over the years. We admire his sterling character, deep convictions, faith and spirituality, keen intellect, capable yet unassuming manner, graciousness, courage, generosity, friendship, quiet humor and servant leadership qualities. As a family elder, I am particularly blessed to commend for your reading Dr. Colin Archer's facinating memoir, WRAP UP."

Sir Baltron Bethel, K.C.M.G.

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